
Bank holiday weekend!

How much I love to have the house full with laughter,games and smell of great food and happiness.
NOt that it happens only on bank holidays,but it's always better when we are all together with not much planning,just relaxing and enjoying each other's company!

Does it ever happen to you,to think what to cook and just to turn the PC on and the recipe is staring straight at you?!
That happened to me this morning.
It feels like everything is programmed and we need just to press a button.
So here is what we had for breakfast, fairly quick and easy to make, great for the kids too and reminded me of my childhood and my lovely grandma who used to make those for the whole family on a Saturday morning.

2cups flour
1jar natural yogurt 
1tsp soda bicarbonate
pinch salt
pinch sugar

The soda goes in the yogurt,add the sugar and salt,mix well and wait till the yogurt is well risen from the soda.
Add the flower and make a soft and very lovely to touch dough.
Leave it to rest for 30 minutes but before that form little balls from the ready dough. 
Then in very hot oil in a frying pan using your fingers (dip them first in some oil so the dough doesn't stick to them) stretch each ball to the shape in the photos and fry on each side till golden.
That's all.

Dobur Apetit!

 Mekici - is called in my language and we usually have them with jam,honey or in my family - with feta cheese.

For drink to compliment them we usually have traditional turkish yogurt drink,which is very popular in Bulgaria too. Ayran.
Non of my foreign friends like it but I suppose if you are brought up with it you just except it and love it.
Some people have tea with it...or compote.

It's up to you what to combine it with but even on it's own this breakfast is perfect start for the day.
In our culture,pastry and doughy meals are very popular and for some people I am sure this will be a strange think to eat...

Anyway, we thoroughly enjoyed it and had great fun making them as it was the first time I decided to give them a Go.
We even called my husband's grandma to guide us and actually give us the recipe.
So This is her way of making them (and mine too,for now) and have to say Big thank you to this lovely woman, which we will see shortly on our trip to the "mother country".
It's funny how we always call our older parents to ask for those so typical recipes and all of them have their own little interpretation and touch to them.

Like a magic!

 ( This is a lovely bouquet from my little man.After a long walk in the fields we came back with this spring bunch of wild flowers.
So fresh and colourful!)

Happy holidays!


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